everett vision therapy
Welcome to Everett Vision Therapy!
We provide eye exam and vision therapy services. We DO NOT have glasses/contact lenses. If you were referred here for your eye exam and or vision therapy we recommend that you take your prescription to your regular optometrist to fill as we don’t have an optical. We are located on the 2nd floor of Evergreen Professional Center and there are about 20 steps to go up. There is no elevator. Please be aware before booking an appointment at our office.
vision therapy
Most people are familiar with eye exam but not vision therapy. Vision therapy is eye exercises that helps with Convergence Insufficiency, Accommodative Insufficiency, Amblyopia, and Strabismus. When it is not treated many vision symptoms can occur such as double vision, headache, reduced 3D/stereo vision, eye tracking disorder that can result in skipping words/lines when reading.
What to expect at Everett Vision Therapy and if vision therapy is for you, the following will need to take place:
1. Neuro-optometric evaluation-Evaluating the strength of the eye’s function, including how the eyes fuse images, create depth perception, and how much can the eyes be stressed before they relinguish their fusion and depth perception. Eye movements like tracking and focusing are similary challenged to establish their upper limits and flexibility.
2. Visual processing assessment- Additional measurements are performed that expand the scope of what constitutes vision, including: eye-hand coordination, visual discrimination, visual scan, visual memory, visual spatial, visual figure ground, visual closure, and visual sequential memory.
3. Report-The results are then reviewed. If the decision is to proceed, then vision therapy on a weekly basis in the office, and home exercises are given for daily practice. The therapy itself is tailored to the deficiencies found, and progress evaluations are performed every 10 sessions to update the progress of your vision therapy.
The team
Everett Vision Therapy was established in 2017 by Arash Eslami, OD and Nhin Nguyen, OD. Dr. Eslami has been interested in the change of the visual system in his early optometric career and that has taken him down the road of providing vision therapy to the Snohomish area. Dr. Nguyen is a residency-trained vision therapy optometrist. With our different experience we are enthusiastic to help your visual needs.
Contact Us
6320 Evergreen Way,
Suite 206A
Everett, WA 98203
Ph: 425-309-7084
Fax: 425-309-7083